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    Top of Page The Deliverance Ministry IN WHOM IS NO DECEIT John 1:47 “Jesus saw Nathanael coming toward Him, and said of him, ‘Behold, an (a real) Israelite indeed, in whom is no deceit!’” Imagine having Jesus say that about us today, it would go something like this: Look everybody, here is a real Christian who has no deceit in him. The setting has Jesus calling on men that He met, and saying to them, Follow Me, Phillip is one of those men whom Jesus called, evidently Jesus was telling those He called, that He is the One of whom Moses prophesied, and that’s the reason why they should be following Him. ​ John 1:45 “Phillip found Nathanael and said to him, ‘We have found Him of whom Moses in the law, and also the prophets, wrote—Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.’” Even though Nathanael was skeptical, he followed Phillip to meet this Jesus that Phillip was so excited about, and as he was approaching Jesus, our Lord made that amazing statement about him, to which he responded with the following answer. John 1:48 “Nathanael said to Him, ‘How do You know me?’ Jesus answered and said to him, ‘Before Phillip called you, when you were under the fig tree, I saw you.’” What is even more amazing to me is Nathanael’s response, how do You know me? I mean, if Jesus said that about any of us today, here is a real Christian in whom there is no deceit, we would probably turn around and look behind us, I know I would; Hey, it wouldn't be the first time I said to the Lord, are You sure You have the right man Lord? Let us see if we can sort this out, for there are a lot of symbolisms in this story; first we have Nathanael, an Israelite that was under a fig tree doing something, a fig tree is symbolic of the nation of Israel. This man had obviously been delivered from contaminated doctrines and falsehoods while under the fig tree, since Jesus said that he had no deceit in him. And perhaps our greatest clue is in the new name by which John identifies him, Nathanael; for this same man is called Bartholomew in the other gospels. John who probably wrote his gospel after he was taken up to heaven while on the island of Patmos, writes with the emphasis on spiritual truths that are revealed through natural events. Bart in front of Bartholomew, his original name, means the son of in his case the son of Holomew, or Bart-holomew; However the new name by which John calls him, Nathanael, means: The Gift of God. Remember that in biblical reasoning your name reveals your nature, a new name means that a new nature has been given to that person. John 1:49-51 “Nathanael answered and said to Him, ‘Rabbi, You are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel!’ Jesus answered and said to him, ‘Because I said to you, “I saw you under the fig tree,” do you believe? You will see greater things than this.’ And He said to Him, ‘Most assuredly, I say to you, hereafter you shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man.’” The gift of God to Bartholomew was the new nature that was imparted to him while he was under the fig tree. Something spiritual, radical, and personal, must have happened to him while under the fig tree, for when Jesus mentioned it to him, it left no doubt in his mind that Jesus was, for He had to be the Son of God, in order for Him to know about this very personal experience that he, Nathanael, obviously had with God. Can we know what happened to Nathanael while under the fig tree? Let us start with what Nathanael did not have inside of him when Jesus met him, it is clear from Jesus’ statement that Nathanael did not have any deceit in him; let us ask then, what is deceit? And how did he get rid of it? The word Deceit, or Guile as it appears in the King James version, in the original Greek means Decoy or Trick, which implies that a person can be tricked into believing in their hearts that they are a person who differs greatly, a decoy, from the real person that they are. So that their personality becomes a forgery, a copy of the original person’s soul that was originally created in the image of God. James 1:7-8 “For let not that man suppose that he will receive ( a gift, Nathanael means the gift of God) anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man (two spirited man, a copy, or a forgery of an original), unstable in all his ways.” What made Nathanael special, was that he was delivered from the deviations that had caused him to believe a lie, something about himself that he was not, and as he came into the reality of who he really was in the Lord, he was now able to accept the role for which God had created him, to be an apostle of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The gift that Nathanael was given, not only allowed him to realize who he really was, but also, to recognize who Jesus really was, for he said to our Lord, Rabbi, You are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel! The implications here are tremendous, for it tells me that I can never fully know who Jesus is, until I know who I really am in the Lord. For a double-minded, two spirited counterfeit person, can never comprehend or understand who the real Creator is. How did Nathanael get rid of deceit? James 4:7-10 “Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Lament and mourn and weep! Let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up.” When Nathanael was under the fig tree that represented Israel, he as an Israelite, probably realized how many generational curses had been handed down to him that were caused by the disobedience and idolatry of his ancestors. Right there he had to make a decision, was he going to be an idolater like them, or renounce their evil practices and align himself with the God that created him to be a servant of the high calling of God? Once he submitted himself to the high calling of God, a spiritual resistance to the lies of the devil arose from within him that allowed him to forsake the forgery of himself that the devil had fashioned after his idolatrous ancestry. By refusing to accept the devil’s plan for his life, he drew near to God and God’s plan for his life. What followed had to be a cleansing prayer of true repentance, like in: 1 John 1:9 “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Then he had to do something to purify his heart, that is to rid it of the perverted sprit that was a forgery of who he really was and was pretending to be the real him. How did he do that? James 1:6 “But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind (spiritual fake).” He believed! The human soul was created in the image of God, it cannot be made to conform to the animalistic instincts of the flesh, for our souls were not created out of dirt, but came directly out of the Spirit of God, after God breezed into Adam’s nostrils, Adam became a living soul. If we believe the lies of evolution and other demonic doctrines, whose aim is nothing more than to devalued the integrity of our souls and profane it as worthless, then a lie about who we really are is accepted, and that two spirited nature will hinder us from fulfilling the purpose for which God created us, which is to be spiritually minded creatures that exercise God’s dominion over this earthly plane. It takes a humbled heart to recognize our true condition, if we are willing to admit it, all of us fail God somehow, somewhere, sometime. Let me ask you this very personal question: Do you identify with the sin that you fall into after you fail God by sinning? When you lie do you believe that you are a liar? Your answer here is very important, for it will reveal to you which personality you are operation under, since you are a Christian and know that it is wrong to lie. Romans 7:20 “Now if I do what I will not to do, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells in me.” Listen to the words of Paul, and how he separates the sin from the sinner when he says that, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells in me. If you are a Christian and believe that your sins make you a sinner, let’s say that you’ve lied so therefore you see yourself as a liar, then you are identifying with the duplicate you, and not the real you. For the believer should identify with the real self that says, it is not I that lied but the sin that dwells in me, which by the way, in this case would be a lying spirit. You may say, what’s the difference? If you believe that you are a Christian and that your are also a liar, then you condemn yourself, and in the same act, you accept a perverted version of yourself that God did not create, for your soul was created by the Spirit of Truth to abide in the Truth. If you as a Christian recognize that you’ve lie, but do not see yourself as a liar, but rather as a person that needs to be delivered from a lying spirit, then you are identifying with your real self, and in the same act, you are asking for deliverance from an act that you do not want to do anymore. In the New Testament, the definition for sin is to miss the mark, which clearly implies the absence of an action, rather that the commission of a lawless act. If we are Christians, all of our sins, past, present, and future, were paid for in full by the work that Jesus wrought for us on the cross, that makes us a new creation in Christ Jesus, we have no grounds to identify ourselves with the old nature anymore. So that when we sin in accordance with our old nature, is because we are failing to take advantage of the deliverance that is already ours through the atoning power of the blood of Jesus, that is how we sin, we simply miss the mark. And it usually has to do with us identifying ourselves with the phony duplicate that the devil has been fashioning for us all our lives. Truth originates with God, lies originate with the devil, we ought not to identify ourselves with any of the devil’s lies, but with every Word of Truth that proceeds out of the mouth of God. 2 Corinthians 5:21, 6:1 “For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. 6:1 We then, as workers together with Him also plead with you not to receive (miss the mark) the grace of God in vain.” Identify the strongholds in your life that cause you to sin, and target them for extinction. Do not see yourself as the person that the devil accuses you of being, but become the righteousness of God in Jesus through faith, that is who the real you is, and is already within you, do not miss the mark by accepting failure in your life. Do not give up! Remember that some of your victories are future victories, for the Lord will always allow you to stay sharp by the battles that you are presently fighting. And in some instances you will be left to trust the fact that His grace is sufficient for you, for His strength is made perfect in your weaknesses. Follow the prayer model that James chapter four showed us for the purification of our souls, evict that counterfeit failure that the devil has made of you, and totally put your trust in God’s great and precious promises that are Yes and Amen. Here is a prayer that will help you get started: PRAYER (pray this out loud) Our Father who are in heaven, creator of heaven and earth, God the judge of all; in the name of Jesus your only Son I enter into Your heavenly court and publicly repent of all of my sins, and I ask for Your forgiveness in the Name of Jesus. Apply dear Lord I pray, the atoning blood of Jesus over all the sins in my life and the sins in my ancestor’s life that resulted in a curse. I repent of all of our disobediences and rebellions committed against Your Word. I now repent from and I renounce all the sins in my life and my ancestor’s life such as the sins of perversion, lust, cheating, lying, adultery, fornication, mistreatment of others, uncleanness, filthiness, wantonness, lewdness, and every perverted thing that was connected to our fallen nature. I now repent from and I renounce all the sins in my life and my ancestor’s life such as the sins of false religion, cults, reading of horoscopes, idolatry, witchcraft, divination, all occult involvements, seditions, heresies, sorcery, dissentions, and every demonic thing that was connected to our fallen nature. I now repent from and I renounce all the sins in my life and my ancestor’s life such as the sins of indecision, compromise, hatred, contentions, envy, gossip, murder, hostility towards others, hostilities towards my self, ill will towards others, ill will towards my self, and every divisive thing that was connected to our fallen nature. I now repent from and I renounce all the sins in my life and my ancestor’s life such as the sins of malfunction, failures, laziness, lack of responsibility, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, drunkenness, intoxication, addictions, dependencies, and every compromising thing that was connected to our fallen nature. According to 1 John 1:9 “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Now that I’ve confessed all my sins, I ask for Your forgiveness and cleansing from all my unrighteousness and the unrighteousness passed to me through the iniquity of all my ancestor’s. Deliver me Lord and cleanse me by the power of the blood of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I now take authority over the devil’s accusations against me. In accordance with the Word of God, I break and condemn any and every curse upon my life in the name of Jesus. I break all curses of poverty, lack, debt, destruction, sickness, death and vagabond. I break all curses on my marriage, family, children, and relationships. I break curses of rejection, pride, rebellion, lust, hurt, incest, rape, Ahab, Jezebel, fear, insanity, madness, and confusion. In the Name that is above every name, the Name of Jesus, I now break all curses affecting my finances, my mind, my sexual character, my emotions, my will, my intellect, and all my relationships. In the Name of Jesus I now break every hex, jinx, spell, and spoken curse over my life and my family’s life. I break every fetter, shackle, chain, cord, habit, and cycle that is the result of a curse. According to Galatians 3:13 I have been redeemed from the curse of the law by the sacrifice that Jesus offered on my behalf. Father in heaven I now exercise my faith in the blood that Jesus offered for my redemption, and I loose myself and my descendants from any and every curse. I claim forgiveness through the blood that Jesus offered for my sins and the sins of my fathers. All of my sins have been forgiven, so I now renounce all the works of Satan and their effect over my life, and my family’s lives, and I loose myself from every curse that came as a result of our disobedience and rebellion to the Word of God. I exercise my faith now in the Word of God: Romans 10:9-10, and I make confession with my mouth of the salvation, deliverance, healing and restoration that I believe in my heart is now mine, because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Therefore I confess that Abraham’s blessings are mine. I confess that I am blessed and not curse. I confess that I am the head and not the tail. I confess that I am above and not beneath. I confess that I am blessed coming in and going out. I confess that I am blessed by God, and what God has blessed cannot be curse. In the Name of Jesus and by the power of His shed blood, I now command spirits of Rejection, Hurt, Bitterness, Unforgiveness, Bondage, Torment, Death, Destruction, Suicide, Fear, Lust, Perversion, Mind Control, Witchcraft, Poverty, Lack, Debt, Confusion, Double-mindedness, Sickness, Infirmity, Pain, Divorce, Separation, Strife, Contention, Depression, Sadness, Loneliness, Self-Pity, Self-Destruction, Self-Rejection, Anger, Rage, Wrath, Anguish, Vagabond, Abuse, Addiction, Insanity and the rest to COME OUT NOW in the Name of Jesus my Deliverer, and be forever gone, because all of your rights to torment me and my family have now been removed. Dear Father in Heaven, in the Name of Jesus Your only begotten Son, I now thank you for setting me and making me free from every curse and from every unclean spirit that had operated in my life as a result of curses. Thank You Jesus! Amen. Back to Deliverance Ministry

  • LATEST WEBCAM TEACHING | HoFM House of Faith Ministries

    Top of Page Top of Page THE POWER OF THE BENEDICTION Written by Pastor Marcos Marrero Published on 5/27/2014 This is a sampling of the free book called The Power of the Benediction. You can read the book for free here. THE POWER OF THE BENEDICTION Leviticus 9:23 "And Moses and Aaron went into the tabernacle of meeting, and came out and blessed the people. Then the glory of the Lord appeared to all the people." We are living in the age of power, since the industrial revolution took place it seems that machines just keep getting bigger and more powerful. It is amazing to see the great wonders that human engineering has accomplished, not only in size and power, but also in scope and complexity. We have machines that can strip and remove entire mountains, we have machines that can tunnel under the mountains and even under the sea to connect land masses, we even have machines so delicate that they can do surgery on a human body. They are even coming out with machines that can read our thought patterns. But the most powerful force in the entire universe is not generated by steam, electricity, or even man's ability to harness nature's wonders, the most powerful force in the universe resides in the words that come out of the human mouth. How can that be possible you may ask? Let me ask you this, what was the power source that created the entire universe? It was Words! Hebrews 11:3 "By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible." According to science everything that exists in the universe came into being as the result of a tremendous release of energy that came out of nothing that was visible, but they do not know what was the cause that released all that energy, but the Bible emphatically tells us that it was the spoken Word of God. Genesis 1:3 "Then God said, 'Let there be light (energy)'; and there was light." The earth, or that which is tangible, was without form and void, that is it could not be ascertained, measured, or comprehended, for it was darkness from the face of the deep, and it took the spoken Word of God to give it form and to bring it into our physical reality. Continue here to read this free book Click here for more free books


    Top of Page Top of Page OTHER TEACHINGS SIN AND REDEMPTION Written by Lisa Kane 11/17/2020 There are several types of sin: lying, murder, witchcraft, homosexuality and many more. Sin is disobeying God and there are many actions God says not to do that we do every day. ​ People lie, cheat, steal, kill, among other things like witchcraft and homosexuality. ​ Let us take a look at homosexuality. How do I know this is a sin? Because the action of this sin goes against what God decrees in His Word to all humankind: ​ Genesis 9:1 & 17 NKJV Vs. 1 So God blessed Noah and his sons, and said to them: “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth. ​ Vs. 17 And God said to Noah, “This is the sign of the covenant which I have established between Me and all flesh that is on the earth.” ​ Homosexuality is unfruitful. Two males or two females are not able to produce biological offspring and therefore is not fruitful. Homosexuality disobeys God’s word for all flesh. ​ Does this mean that God doesn’t love you? Absolutely not. Remember, homosexuality is a verb, not a noun. Verbs are actions. The act of lying, the act of murdering, the act of homosexuality etc. are sins that God hates. Not the person, the noun. ​ Does that mean there is something wrong with you? Absolutely not. In fact, quite the opposite. You were made in God’s image and He called us good. ​ Genesis 1:26 NKJV Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness;...” ​ Genesis 1:31 NKJV Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day. ​ In fact, what is love? The biggest promotion from the LGBTQ community is that love is love. ​ Here’s a friendly reminder, love is action and the only human to ever prove and show true love is Jesus, and yes, He did this for everyone, and we’ve all sinned. ​ Joel 2:32 NKJV And it shall come to pass that whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be [a]saved. ​ Romans 10:13 NKJV For “whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” ​ Notice how important this statement is? God said it twice: once in the Old Testament and once in the New Testament. ​ Jesus died for ‘whoever’ – no exclusions. That means you’re not excluded either, whether you claim to be homosexual or not. In reality, you’re just another sinner in the world…just like everyone else. ​ Romans 3:23 NKJV for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, ​ Here’s love from God: ​ John 3:16 NKJV For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. ​ None of us can come close to that action of love Jesus took on the cross. ​ When the LGBTQ community states love is love, do you love your child so much that you would let him or her burn their hand in the fire on the stove? Of course not. In fact, you love them so much that you smack their hands hoping the sting would let them know not to touch the fire. ​ That’s what believers are doing with those wanting approval of their sin – any sin for that matter. In this particular message, it’s homosexuality. That’s what the LGBTQ community or the spirit behind them is saying…they want to sin and they want us to say it’s ok when God’s word clearly says it’s not. ​ So every time something says the opposite of what they want, it stings, just like getting your hand smacked from your parents when reaching toward a fire; because you know deep down what God is telling you. ​ And if you really want a more direct point blank statement in the bible of homosexuality as a sin, here it is: ​ Leviticus 20:13 NKJV If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them. ​ Let’s talk about death here and understand the ramifications of sin in general, and not just the sin of homosexuality. ​ Romans 6:23 NKJV For the wages of sin is death, but the [a]gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. ​ The moment that Eve and Adam sinned by pulling the fruit off the tree disobeying God, they started to age. (See, sin is disobeying God.) They didn’t die right away. In fact, it took several hundred years before they finally died. ​ Today’s life expectancy is much shorter but the point is that if you sin, you die. ​ Sin from lying, murder, adultery, homosexuality, witchcraft, etc. leads to death. ​ But God. The gift of God, His Son is eternal life. ​ God is awesome. He dealt with sin by sending His son Jesus to die on the cross so that you could be saved if you want to, and this is from all sin. ​ So you need to ask yourself, do you want to stay in sin or do you want to follow God? I know this stings but it’s your choice. I’d rather you don’t burn in the lake of fire from any sin you commit but see you saved! ​ Romans 10:9-10 NKJV that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. ​ To choose God, say this out loud: ​ Dear Jesus, I’m sorry. I’ve sinned and I ask You to forgive me of my sin and come into my heart and be my Lord and Savior. Thank You for Your forgiveness and mercy. In Jesus’ name Amen! Now it’s up to you whether you want to continue sinning when it’s so obvious God doesn’t want you to. ​ The first thing you need is self-control. This will overcome temptation with sin. How do you obtain self-control? Ask God. ​ Galatians 5:22-23 NKJV But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 [a]gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. ​ Say this prayer out loud: ​ Dear Jesus, Thank You for being my Lord and Savior. Help me overcome sin by placing self-control within me. Deliver me and help me stay focused on You. In Jesus name Amen! ​ And just like sin in general, humanity continues to lie, cheat, etc…and when we do, go back to God. Ask Him again to change you and persevere in asking. Continue to ask Him to help you be in His image. He already sees you as that perfect jewel He made in you and He will get you on the right path if you want to. ​ He will keep you from the temptation of whatever sin is your poison if you want to. You just need to talk to God. He’s waiting…start talking. Back to Other Teachings


    Top of Page Top of Page ATONEMENT Recorded by Lisa Kane Published on 9/4/22 Back to Other Teachings

  • SPANISH PRAYER GIFTS OF THE HO... | HoFM House of Faith Ministries

    Top of Page Top of Page EMPODERAMIENTO DE LAS ORACIONES Empoderamiento para los Dones del Espíritu Santo DI ESTO EN VOZ ALTA: Precioso Padre Celestial creador de los cielos y la tierra, en el nombre de Jesús Tu unigénito hijo vengo en oración. Señor, no dios a tomado nunca una de las naciones y los ha hecho un pueblo raro como Tu lo has hecho. Los llevaste con señales de fuego, prodigios, y diversos milagros, y por los dones de tu Espíritu Santo según Tu voluntad. Por Tus brazos que estrechaste en la cruz, y por el gran poder que exhibiste cuando levantaste a Tu unigénito Hijo de la muerte atraves de la resurrección. Nos diste cena del Pan celestial, El Cordero inmolado, Tu palabra viva. Nos diste de su preciosa sangre para tomar en un Nuevo Testamento. De los cielos nos hiciste oír Tu voz redentora para la disciplina y el poder. En la tierra enseñaste las lenguas de fuego que llenaron a tus siervos con Tu gran poder que les prometiste. Señor te pido ahora que me llenes con tu Espíritu Santo, completa Tu promesa en mi ahora mismo. Reparte en mi Tu gracia y Tu poder Señor para que Tu autoridad en mi sea demostrada como que yo soy Tu siervo verdadero. Rescátame Señor de todas las cosas malas, protégeme de los hombres violentes quienes planean la maldad en sus corazones todos los días contra mí. Sus lenguas tienen el veneno de la víbora y son como cuchillos afilados. Protégeme Señor de todas las palabras malas con que el diablo me insulta. Guárdame Señor y a toda mi familia, porque yo soy Tu siervo, cúbreme con tu amor maravilloso. Bendito sea el Señor, mi Roca de Salvación. Tu adiestras a mis manos para la batalla, y mis dedos para la guerra. Mas si por el dedo de Dios hecho yo fuera los demonios, ciertamente el reino de Dios me ha llegado con dominio y poder, y yo ocupo hasta que tu regreses Señor. Aleluya! Salvación y honra y gloria y poder son del Señor Dios nuestro; porque sus juicios son verdaderos y justos; pues ha juzgado a la gran ramera que ha corrompido a la tierra con su fornicación, y ha vengado la sangre de sus siervos de la mano de ella. Jesús nos ha dado poder y nos ha cubierto con la protección de su propia sangre. Aleluya! Nuestro Señor Todopoderoso reina! Nos regocijamos y estamos contentos en su gloria. Él me miró y vio que mala era mi situación, y con su brazo derecho Él me ha salvado. Su rectitud me sostiene y Él me ha empoderado para hacer su voluntad. Amén. Volver a Oraciones empoderadoras

  • PSALM 90 | HoFM

    Top of Page OTHER TEACHINGS PSALM 90 Psalm 90:1 "Lord, You have been our dwelling place in all generations." Moses wrote twelve psalms, songs that the children of Israel were to memorize and recall, in pretty much the same manner that we remember the lyrics of songs today that we learned in days past. Except that in the songs that Moses wrote he encoded messages that would reveal to those living in the end times the events that would befall them. Psalm 90 to 100 record eleven songs and Deuteronomy chapter thirty two records the other one. This is what Moses said about the songs that he wrote: ​ Deuteronomy 32:46-47 "...Set your hearts on all the words which I testify among you today, which you shall command your children to be careful to observe—all the words of this law. For it is not a futile thing for you, (memorizing the words) because it is (the story of) your life, and by this word you shall prolong your days in the land which you cross over the Jordan to possess." Notice that Psalm 90 begins with the words our dwelling place in all generations, meaning that within this Psalm we should find encoded an abbreviated history of the human race from our first generation to the last one. Generations: A revolution of time, an age. From a root word that means; to gyrate (move in a circle). Strong's # 1755 & 1752 I believe that there are 144 generations from Adam and Eve to the last generation, out of which some will be rapture out of this world before that last generation comes to an end, and the rest, those who are left behind, will go through God's refining fire before their time for entering into God's Day of Rest comes to pass for all those who are qualified to enter it after going through His Day of Wrath. Psalm 90:2 "Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever You had formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, You are God." Everlasting to everlasting speaks of the time that existed before our present time began which I call Infinity Time, which is also the time place that we will be going to after our present time which I call Eternity Time ends. So that our present existence came out from infinity and it will return back to infinity, after the completion of a gyration of time which is measured as 144 generations. Everlasting: Concealed, the vanishing point, time out of mind (past or future). From a root word that means; terminus, (by implication) duration, in the sense of advance or perpetuity. Strong's # 5769 & 5703 So that once our present time and space which I call Eternity Time reaches the vanishing point, all the present creation will be done away with by fervent heat, and a new heaven and a new earth will be created and advanced into Infinity Time for perpetuity, with all those humans who passed the test elevated into a new existence as jewels for the crown of our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ, the son of man, the firstborn over all creation. Those human jewels being formed out of the trials of faith from of all seven dispensations. Psalm 90:3 "You turn man to destruction, and say, 'Return, O children of men.'" Verse three deals with the process of turning and returning. Before something can be constructed it first has to be destructed. Before man can be clothed in infinity he first has to experience the nakedness of death; one cannot ascend unless one first descends, that's the principle of creation. A seed cannot germinate unless it dies to self first, then and only then it can transcend. That is the duality of all the creation. So that within the first three verses of Psalm 90 we see the hidden mystery of time before and time after, the revolutions of time and the product of time. One hundred and forty four generations in seven dispensations of time turning and returning: 144 + 7 + 2 = 153. John 21:11 "Simon Peter went up and dragged the net to land, full of large fish, one hundred and fifty-three; and although there were so many, the net was not broken." The number one hundred and fifty-three symbolizes the final tally of all the souls that transcend from their mortality into life everlasting: out of every generation and out of every dispensation they were marked for destruction, the destruction of their mortality, into the immortality of their deliverer, the One who conquered death, hell and the grave. The One who has been given a name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow and every tongue shall confess that He is Lord to the glory of God our Father. Psalm 90:4 "For a thousand years in Your sight are like yesterday when it is past, and like a watch in the night." In verse four we see the propagation of time from the spiritual vantage point. To us time is set because we are confined to the present, we live from day to day, one day at the time. Not so for the spiritual dwellers, one day for them can mean a thousand years or a fourth of one night. The idea here is for us to keep life within the proper perspective; life is a process of ebb and flow, starting and ending, waxing and waning. We have a tendency to succumb to the finality of things, when in reality nothing is final until we are finally in His glorious presence. For there the pain ends, the suffering is no more, the tears no longer flow, and in the knowledge of Him we transcend time itself. That is the lesson that we can learn from this Psalm, that we can live in His presence right now by faith and make that our final answer. Psalm 90:5-9 "You carry them away like a flood; they are like a sleep. In the morning they are like grass which grows up: In the morning it flourishes and grows up; in the evening it is cut down and withers. For we have been consumed by Your anger, and by Your wrath we are terrified. You have set our iniquities before You, our secret sins in the light of Your countenance. For all our days have passed away in Your wrath; we finish our years like a sigh." Verses five through nine describe the process of our turning and returning. Like a flood and like a dream and like the grass that grows up, here one moment and gone the next. Oh the futility that life is without faith that transcends a life of mortality. Though mortals in the human sense, though bound to the present tense, consumed and terrified as we see our days passing away, still we dare to raise our faith above the mundane. You see, when our spirit dares to believe that there is more to life than what we see with our mortal eyes; when we look at our afflictions through the spiritual perspective of time, infinite time, then life is a joyous journey. For the joy that was set before Him Christ endured the horrors of the cross. If we stay focus on the price we can overcome the pain and make our present life a spiritual Eden. Romans 8:18 "For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us." Don't you wish sometimes, when we find ourselves in the middle of a very difficult and unpleasant situation, that we could just fly away somewhere? There is such a place for the child of faith, a place that can only be reached through the wings of prayer and praise. It is called the place of sweet surrender; it is the place where we lay down our struggles, our fears and doubts, our lack of understanding and all our sorrows. There we just simply resign ourselves to His good and perfect will for us. Psalm 90:10 "The days of our lives are seventy years; and if by reason of strength they are eighty years, yet their boast is only labor and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away." For the joy that is set before us, if we can have but a taste of it, can make us do what no other non human creature could ever achieve: Belief. We could call it faith, or trust , or rapture, or complete abandonment to a cause, but real faith is rooted in the knowledge that we are loved, that we are accepted, that we transcend time and space, that we are very valuable to someone who is very special. Our destiny could never be fulfilled by the things of this world, for we are not made of things that go to waste; we are eternal! Every joint, every marrow, every bone and every sinew, every cell and every atom that our bodies are comprise of will someday be made eternal in the fashion of the resurrected body of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who flew away, but according to His promises is soon coming back for us. John 14:1-3 "Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also." So that after the overall journey for all mankind is marked out in verses five through nine, the individual's journey is set as a brief one, marked with labor and sorrow but with the steadfast promise of soon being cut off and then we fly away. Psalm 90:11 "Who knows the power of Your anger? For as the fear of You, so is Your wrath." Here is the essence of the lesson that life teaches us: Passion is the human virtue that must be channeled in the right or godly direction. Our God is a passionate God, our Savior is a passionate Savior, our love and convictions for Him must as well be full of passion. A passion for life is a passion for God. The passionate does not quit just because the going gets a little hard. The fear of the righteous is the thought that they may fail to fulfill God's destiny for their lives. Psalm 90:12 "So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." Passion teaches patience, the patient learns the wisdom that says: the attainment of the goal is all that really matters. Is not how we get to heaven that's important, getting there that's the thing! Is not what we take to heaven that matters but who we take to heaven! The desire of the passionate is this: Psalm 90:13 "Return, O Lord! How long? And have compassion on Your servants." The worst thing that a believer could ever do is to fall in love with the world. Earthly desires must never trump our heavenly calling. The best way to stay focus is to be dependent and remain dependent of His Grace and Mercy at all times. Psalm 90:14 "Oh, satisfy us early with Your mercy, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days!" Misguided passion tends to lead us into worthless religion. The sooner we learn that within us nothing good dwells, the better we are. Because true passion will lead us to the cross road of total and complete dependence on Him. True brokenness can make us to be glad all of our days, because in true brokenness there is no fear, because perfect love casts out all fear! Psalm 90:15 "Make us glad according to the days in which You have afflicted us, the years in which we have seen evil." In verse fifteen we see the law of cause and effect at work; this law not only applies to the physical universe, but is one of those laws that transcends and has a spiritual application as well. Is the law of sowing and reaping, and it has to do with the fact that the more affliction a person endures, the greater the rewards. The more that we die (to self) the greater that our life experience will be. In the natural, the greater the pain, the greater the gain. In the spiritual, true life can best be experienced from our death bed. Where the emphasis is not placed in what we have lived, but rather, in what we have failed to live. In the spiritual realm perspective is everything. Psalm 90:16 "Let Your work appear to Your servants, and Your glory to their children." If our lives do not leave a legacy of glory, glory to the One who is faithful and by us being faithful and passing on our faithfulness to our children, then what that means is that we did not fully appreciate the work that was assigned to us in this life, for after all we are but one in one hundred and forty-four generations. Look at nature itself and it will tell you that existence without propagation is extinction of the species. Psalm 90:17 "And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands for us; Yes, establish the work of our hands." Only God can sustain and maintain the work of a person after they fly away, and it is only when we labor in His work that our labor will never be in vain! As it is written: Isaiah 61:3 "...To give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they may be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified." 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    Top of Page OTHER TEACHINGS THE MANIFESTATION OF HIS PRESENCE John 14:21 “He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him.” When Jesus uttered these words to His disciples it became immediately clear to them that Jesus was making a very special promise to them. When you promise to manifest yourself to someone, it means that you will reveal yourself to that person and not to others. Because if everyone can see you there is no need for you to reveal yourself since you are already visible to everybody. ​ John 14:19 “A little while longer and the world will see Me no more, but you will see Me. Because I live, you will live also.” ​ It is within the context of Jesus leaving them and promising them that He would reveal Himself again after His departure, that this conversation is taking place. And it prompted this question by one of His disciples: John 14:22 “Judas (not Iscariot) said to Him, ‘Lord, how is it that You will manifest Yourself to us, and not to the world?’” It is obvious that the disciples wanted to make sure that after Jesus left them, that they would be able to know how and where they could see Him again. Now for those of us who never had the opportunity of meeting and serving Jesus before He went to the cross, these passages of Scripture are very important, for they detail how we can also experience the personal manifestation of Jesus after His resurrection from the dead. Jesus gives us a very important key in verse nineteen: Because I live, you will live also. As we read the previous chapter Jesus is clearly telling them that where He is going they cannot follow, because He is going to the cross to die for their sins. But then He says to them, because I will live, you will live also, meaning I will die for you so that you can live, and if you are willing to die for My cause, you too will live to see Me again. John 13:37-38 “Peter said to Him, ‘Lord, why can I not follow You now? I will lay down my life for Your sake.’ Jesus answered him, ‘Will you lay down your life for My sake? Most assuredly, I say to you, the rooster shall not crow till you have denied Me three times.’” Peter understood the part about dying for the Lord, but he failed to understand the part about living for Him at that time. How many Christians have given their lives for the sake of our Lord’s Gospel this past year alone? It's not easy to die willingly, but for most of those who have given their lives for the Lord, they just did not have the choice to continue living for Him, and they surely were not willing to deny Him, that is why they were killed. Now we know from Scripture that those who are martyred for the sake of their testimony of Jesus are immediately welcome into His glorious holy presence. Talk about manifestation, those who remain faithful to their confession of faith in the face of imminent death, cannot help but to see the fullness of Jesus’ glory revealed to them as Jesus joyfully receives them into the fullness of His joy, before their bodies even hit the ground. But for those of us who remain the lesson is very clear, if we want to see the manifestation of Jesus in our lives we need to die to ourselves. What it really comes down to is love. John 14:23 “Jesus answered and said to him, ‘If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him.’” I hear so many people say how much they love someone, but by their actions that sentiment is betrayed. Can persons that abandon their spousal or parental obligations for the sake of following their own self interests really say that they love the ones that they are leaving behind? This is what Jesus has to say about that: John 14:24 “He who does not love Me does not keep My words; and the word which you hear is not Mine but the Father’s who sent Me.” From God’s perspective true love can only be manifested by our commitment to carry out our obligations to His Word. We can say how much we love God all day long but by our actions we will be judged. Matthew 11:19 “The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, ‘Look, a glutton and a winebibber, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!’ But wisdom is justified by her children (the eventual manifestation of her good works).” And the consequences of our actions work both ways, if we are doing what is right and people falsely accuse us of doing wrong—like they did to Jesus—eventually those who do right will be proven right, and those who do wrong will be proven wrong. But those who do wrong will not experience the manifestation of Jesus in their lives, for those who do wrong, do so for selfish ambition and have not died to themselves. We are not talking about perfection here, for if only those who are perfect can expect Jesus to manifest Himself to them, then you can be sure that there will not be any personal manifestations any time soon. What did Jesus mean when He said: He who has My commandments and keeps them...If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word? Now let’s take a look at His words from the perspective of the imperfections of our human nature. When you show up to work everyday, can your boss really say that you are the perfect worker? Even in the remote possibility that you were the perfect worker, they would never say that about you, for if they did, they would have to give you a raise. Ha, Ha! This is what an employer is looking for in an ideal worker: that he/she shows up on time, every time, all the time. That he/she has a general knowledge of what they are expected to do, and a willingness to do it. And that they have the capacity to learn and to progress to a point where they get better and better at what they do. What are the ideal qualifications for a parent or a spouse? Does anybody really expect a husband or a wife or a parent to be perfect? I say not! But a husband is expected to be there for his wife, and the wife to be there for her husband. And how can a father or mother raise a child if they are absent? It is the same in our service to God! We do not get saved to continue in our own selfish way of life. Now that we are saved our responsibility is to the Word of God, to follow His commandments and to keep His Word. We are not perfect when we start, and we will not be perfect when we finish our Christian journey here on this earth. We will be judged by our faithfulness to His calling! Did we show up; in time, all the time? Did we show willingness to serve, and were we willing to change and learn new ways of living? If you work for a big corporation you may notice some apprehensiveness on the part of some of the workers when they know that the big boss is going to be around. That is how some Christians feel when the manifestation of God’s presence is all around them. If you believe that Jesus expects you to be perfect, it would be natural to feel uncomfortable when He manifests Himself to you. But what if He is just looking for you to be honest with Him? John 14:6 “Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.’” Jesus does not really need perfect workers, does He? He does not even need any workers. What He is really looking for is for you and I to have a trusting relationship with Him. A relationship that is based in mutual love for one another instead of the dread of fear and failure. And there is no better place to have a relationship with Him than to share with Him in the things that He loves so much: He loves us! Humanity, He is for us, wants to be with us, and wants to be in us. He is such a gentlemen that He will not manifest Himself to us if it will make us feel uncomfortable. If we want His presence, then we must truly desire the manifestation of His presence. There may be some of you out there that feel that, perhaps you will never be comfortable enough around the manifestation of His presence. Maybe you were brought up to see our heavenly Father as a fearsome Judge instead of a loving Savior. But think about what is at stake here! John 15:1-4 “I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit. You are already clean (we need not fear our frailties) because of the word that I have spoken to you. Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.” After reading all these Scriptures I hope that you came to the same conclusion that I did, and that is that, intimacy with Him is not really an option, but the essence of life itself. That is if we truly want to be fruitful in our service to Him. The first step is getting down on your knees with a humbled and honest heart saying "Lord I don’t have much to offer you, but what little I have I give to you completely and irrevocably", then show up before His presence in the same manner, everyday, for the rest of your life. There is no greater joy than to have the privilege of experiencing the manifestation of His presence within the inner sanctum of our hearts. Back to Other Teachings


    Top of Page END TIMES TEACHING THE CONFORMED DOES NOT TRANSFORM Romans 12:2 “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” If you ask any reasonable person today to explain the disconnect that so many have with reality, they would be hard pressed to explain it, for truly everything that is going on today in all levels of society does not make any sense whatsoever. Here in the US for example, polls tell us that a majority of Americans want to get rid of their elected officials at any given time, yet every two years we have elections, and by a margin of over ninety percent the same incumbents get reelected, how do you explain that? ​ A majority here complain that the government is too big, and that its spending is out of control, and that for the money they get from us we are not well served by our government. Yet a majority always complains when efforts are made to reduce the government and the power that it now has to control every aspect of our lives. How do we explain such contradictions? ​ The world at large and the United States in particular, do not have a physical problem, and by that I mean that we do not lack the ability to receive information and the knowledge that allows us to make sense of what is going on all around us if we are rational, but we are not. In reality what we are facing is a spiritual problem! Some will say that we have lost our moral compass, and we have, but that is not the root of it, for there has always been immoral behavior in every nation that ever existed, including the US. In our opening text, the relationship is made between our ability to reason, the renewing of our minds, and our conforming to this world system. The more that we become one with our present world system, the less capable that we are in making sound judgments that are based in simple human reasoning; that is the point of our opening text. What is the difference then, between our present day generation and past generations that knew exactly what it was that was required of them? The dissemination of information! In the past, our world was a limited world, the rules that governed the areas where people lived back then, had been developed through generations of families that through trial and error had developed the moral concepts that they handed down to their children, good or bad, but that only applied to the very specific areas where they lived. So that there was back then a diversity of thought and many different applications of faith, that allowed reasonable people to make a determination as to whether what they believed was right or wrong based on the behavior of others when compared to their own, and with it the ability to improve their belief system where it was needed. So that there was not a worldwide uniform code that compelled others to conform to a narrow standard of moral thinking. Daniel 12:4 “But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.” The dawn of the twentieth century was a pivotal point for all mankind, for with the industrial revolution came the reality that, knowledge shall increase, and those early visionaries did not want the Gospel of Jesus Christ to be the standard by which the world became one. For in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, individuals are free to choose for themselves and their families the kind of world, or community, they wanted to be a part of, for they were given individual rights to life and liberty and for the pursuit of happiness from their Creator Himself. Socialism, however, offered a better system for those whose aim was always to rule the world, for socialism debases the individual for the sake of empowering the state. The culture of today is not our grandfather’s culture. It did not evolve out of individual societies that through trial and error had chosen to pass to their children in what they thought would be the best for them, what they commonly called, the moral values of their faith. The culture of today has been manufactured by those illuminated ones who think of us humans as a commodity that they must somehow manage through force and coercion. But we humans present a different problem for their methods of how they manage the world through the herd mentality, for we have the ability to reason and the capacity for sound understanding. In the information age, he who controls the output of information, also controls the behavior of the herd. If what our children learn in school about culture today is the same thing that they learn at home through nationwide television shows that sometimes reach the entire world, before long, they lose the connection to their heritage that is not being portrayed on these shows, especially if they are able to relate more to the belief system of a fictional family on television than to their own heritage. And as we see these things played out in television shows that deal with relationships and morality, as well as in the news and in social media, as to what is good and who is bad being reinforced daily in every facet of our society, eventually our capacity to compare and to choose between the present system and something else that disappeared or has been disparaged, is lost. That is why society is where it is today, unable to make decisions that are based on sound judgment. But be transformed by the renewing of your mind! How can you choose if you have no choice? Information is presented today by this world wide information conglomerate, as if what they believe is right and what everybody else believes, or believed, is wrong, for they see themselves as the gate keepers of information. They ridicule anything and everything that does not conform to what they present as knowledge; knowledge that is biased and based on laughable theories. But we do have a choice. Next time when some know it all tells you what happened one billion years ago, ask him to show you the video, lol. Let me show you what is more real than any empirical evidence that you have ever witnessed: The end time prophecies found in the Word of God! For they are the pages of history written in advance for all to see. Isaiah 46:9-10 “Remember the former things of old, for I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that are not yet done, saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure.’” It is not until you say no to the nonsense of this world, for this world is passing away along with the knowledge it professes, and say yes to the eternal Word of God, that you will be able to renew your mind and finally find a real choice that is evidently clear. That you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Every time I see a contest between human knowledge and the wisdom of God, I cannot help but laugh. I picture in my mind natives aiming their primitive bows and shooting their arrows at a 747 airliner at 40,000 feet, trying hard to bring it down and I can almost hear them saying, Oh, shoot another arrow, you almost got it with the last one! I know that for some who might be reading this, because you have been fed so much bull that passed for knowledge all your life that it might be difficult for you to see it from my perspective. So let me run a little scenario pass you that might help you understand the preeminence of the Word of God in all things. I was born in 1947 and let’s say that someone gets all the curriculum that was used that year to graduate students from the highest places of learning back then. Let them study those books and pass all the tests. Will they get a diploma from those prestigious universities today? Of course not! What they learned back then is old knowledge today. Okay, let me ask you this, will the knowledge that all the graduates learned this year be up to date for future graduates, let’s say sixty six years from now? Of course not; new year, new books, new knowledge. Let me see if I get this right, they want me to put my trust in knowledge that by their own reasoning will not be trustworthy tomorrow? Now go and get a Bible that was printed in 1947, open it to Genesis 1:1 and read it. I do not know if out of the many Bibles that I own, if any of them was printed in 1947, but I can tell you this, Genesis 1:1 in those Bibles that were printed in 1947 read like this: In the Beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Get a Bible that was just printed and I guarantee you that it says the same thing, just as it will sixty six years from now in the Bibles that are yet to be printed, just like it read when Moses first wrote it 3500 years ago. Do you want to put your trust on fallible knowledge that is here today and gone tomorrow? Is this what you want your epithet to read: He trusted a fallacy, and what he knew came to naught? Life is a learning experience that has many twists and turns, but if we are not careful, the devil in his cunningness is able to rob humans of their God giving ability to reason properly and to make the right choices for their lives and their families lives, as we can see many today that simply do not have a clue. Don’t get caught up with this world that you end up conforming to it. For if you do, your mind will not be able to receive the transformation that allows you to think and reason as an individual. Matthew 24:38-39 “For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.” Do not be hoodwinked by the present deception that is taking place all around us. Wise up! We are living in perilous times and the only thing that we can ever fully trust is the Word of God. Back to End Times Teachings


    Top of Page END TIMES TEACHINGS REST IN TIMES OF TROUBLE 2 Thessalonians 1:7 “And to give you who are troubled rest with us when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with His mighty angels.” Even for well-disciplined persons, we can all agree, that we are living in the midst of distress and highly contentious days. There are so many misguided people out there, many of which have a huge platform that allows them to stir up trouble and to sow the seeds of hatred and division, just for the sport of it, who do not care in the least if their rhetoric harm others. ​ However, if we understand the spirit behind it, it will make it easy for us Christians to understand what all this chaos is all about and help us not to get caught up in the emotional turbulence of these last days. ​ Proverbs 10:12 “Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all sins.” The root of all the contentions that flare up constantly all over the world is the spirit of hatred, but as long as the spirit of love and forgiveness has the upper hand, the strife is contained. But if it seems that strife and contentions are ruling the day, maybe it is because we are living in the last days, because Jesus told us that during the last days the love of many would grow cold. Matthew 24:12 “And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.” So, the key for us believers is not to get caught up in the emotional hatred of the day, but rather continue in love, forgiving one another, even as the Lord forgave us all and gave to us His unconditional pardon. I know that for many of you out there, you may feel that the hatred and contentions of these last days will not have a direct impact on your personal life, but you have to remember that most people think that way, and if by chance you happen to get caught up in it, because of your failure to prepare yourself for such an occasion, you may end up failing to respond properly in your heart with the spirit of love and compassion, and instead you may lose your composure and respond with evil intent. When the Bay of Pigs invasion took place in Cuba in 1961, I was just 14 years old. Castro’s soldiers came to our house and arrested my dad and brother who was eight years older than me; I guess I was too young so they did not take me. They arrested everyone that they thought might be a threat to them, even though we lived far from the place where the invasion took place. Their strategy was to lock up everybody that might join with the invading forces in an uprising against the communist government. They took all the people that they arrested and put them in the yard of a government owned building. They put machine guns facing them in the two corners of the yard facing the building, and were ordered to shoot them if an invasion started near our town. I was there on the street watching in unbelief, looking as it all took place. Then communist agitators started fanning the flames of hatred toward those innocent people of the town, whose only crime was that they had not previously joined the communist militia in support of Castro. A large crowd of people had gathered on the street to see, like I had, all that was taking place. To my amazement the people of the town who knew the innocence of those who were locked there for no good reason, all of the sudden under the impulse of those communist agitators who were calling out for vengeance, joined them, calling out loud for the execution of those who were locked in the yard. I was there, in their midst, looking at them and saying to myself, that is my dad and my brother in there, how could you say that, but they were blinded by such a strong hatred that all they wanted was blood. I will never forget that day as long as I live, and thankfully the invasion did not come any where near us, so that eventually, after two weeks most of them were released, including my dad and brother. Who were the people in the crowd? Some of them were our very own neighbors. I remember thinking, as they were loudly chanting for the execution of innocent blood, the many times that my dad had so selflessly helped many of those in the crowd in their hour of need, for it was a small town of about three thousand people. But you see there is no reasoning with the spirit of hate, and the only protection against it is for us not to get emotionally involved with the propagation of such hatred, for those agitators can get pretty good at it. 1 Peter 5:8 “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” When the believers were first filled with the Holy Spirit, many thought that they were drunk with wine, but under the influence of the Spirit of Love those believers transformed the world for the good of all mankind. Those in the crowd back in 1961, that were calling for the murder of innocent people appeared to me to be drunk as well, however their intoxication came as the result of them partaking of the venom of hate. By telling us to be sober, Peter means for us not to get intoxicated with the venom of hatred and strife that the world is constantly peddling. Remember that Peter was an eyewitness of that hatred, as he was there, present, when those who were so blinded by their hatred took our Lord away and beat Him into a bloody mess. What about all the injustices that are continuously taking place? 2 Thessalonians 1:6 “Since it is a righteous thing with God to repay with tribulation those who trouble you.” God always has the final say. That is why He has appointed a day for every single individual to appear before Him in final judgment. Nobody gets away with anything, for if they repent and our Lord forgives them, then the sufferings that our Lord endured on behalf of all mankind pay in full for their misdeeds as well as ours; now that is something that we should all be glad about. Hebrews 9:27 “And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment.” Now those of us who are in Christ have already been judged and have already passed into life eternal, though it does not yet appear like we have, because we are still here in this world. John 11:26 “And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?” So that the only reason that we are still here is for our presence to be a restraining force against the spirit of strife and lawlessness that wants to intoxicate the whole world and drive them into killing each other. 2 Thessalonians 2:7 “For the mystery of lawlessness (hatred stirs up strife) is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way.” What restrains the mystery of lawlessness, which is nothing more than hatred stirring up strife, is the Holy Spirit that is within us, His church. Once the Holy Spirit takes the church away to meet the Lord in the clouds, His restraining presence is removed as well. What that means is that we are privileged to exercise God’s restraining power over all these demonically manufactured crises, through our prayers of binding and loosing that which God has already foreordained to be bound and to be loosed. But how can we be effective in this ministry of restraining and reconciliation if we ourselves get caught up in the vileness and hatred that is so pervasive out there? 2 Thessalonians 3:1-3 “Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may run swiftly and be glorified, just as it is with you, and that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men; for not all have faith. But the Lord is faithful, who will establish you and guard you from the evil one. The evil one is a master at manipulating human emotions and does not care who is right or who is wrong. All that he is interested in is causing hatred to flourish, for that is what stirs up strife and contentions. I once heard screaming outside of my kitchen window that looked into the street to see a fight had broken out between three or four teenage boys. And in the middle of the chaos from inside my kitchen window I prayed: Lord, this is my neighborhood, I bind every spirit of contention that is at work right now between those boys and in my street. Immediately the fracas stopped, amazingly they started to converse as to what offenses they had committed against one another, and it was then that they saw the whole thing as a simple misunderstanding and shook hands in friendship. Needless to say my jaw dropped, as I turn to my wife who was standing next to me and asked her, did that really happened? I was just praying instinctively, but even in my best faith posture I did not expect such immediate results, yet there it was, once the spirit of contention was removed, animosity slipped away and reason prevailed. Imagine the power that the church has if we can just come together in the spirit of unity and enforce our restraining power over all the power of lawlessness that has engulfed our land! PRAYER WORKS! Back to End Times Teachings


    Top of Page THE DELIVERANCE MINISTRY SPIRITUAL REALITIES 2 Corinthians 4:18 “While we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.” What is reality? Humanly speaking we could say that reality is what we see with our eyes and what we touch with our hands, and that if we cannot touch it or see it because it is invisible, that it probably doesn’t exist or that at least is not real to us. ​ Science however, has discovered that the things that we see and touch are made of particles that are invisible, and that when we come in contact with the things that appear to be solid and real, that we are not really even touching them, but rather, when we feel like we are touching something solid we are in reality feeling an invisible electromagnetic field or force that holds the particles together that form the visible stuff, and these forces repel one another, so that whatever force keeps the particles together in one form repel the particles that keep together another form. What that means is that every time I strike a key on my keyboard as I am writing this lesson, I am not really touching nothing that is solid, there is some force emanating from my finger tips that repels the force that holds together the particles that comprise my keyboard and make it visible, but my fingers and the keyboard never really come into contact with one another. Try figuring that one out; in other words, reality is not really what we think it to be. Which raises the question, what is real? Hebrews 11:3 “By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made (are not comprise) of things which are visible.” Isn’t it amazing how true science does nothing but corroborate what the Word of God teaches us? Clearly the answer to the question I posed earlier, what is real? Is, The Word of God, that’s reality! Hebrews 4:12 “For the word of God is living (life creating and life sustaining and powerful (the invisible energy or force that holds everything together), and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the division (separation) of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” So that the Word of God which created everything, sustains the creation by the power of an invisible force that holds everything together that God created. That force is also what separates the visible from the invisible so that everything occupies its own space in its interaction with the rest of the creation, what scientists call locality. Acts 17:28 “For in Him (the Word that became flesh) we live and move and have our being (existence).” The visible, what we call the physical realm, exists in a three-dimensional universe, but the invisible, what we call the spiritual realm, exists in a four-dimensional universe that is intertwined with the physical realm. So here is the key, the visible physical realm is totally made of invisible stuff, and the things which may appear real to us in reality are not. How does knowledge of this, or the lack of it, affects my walk of faith? Understanding the interactions of the physical and spiritual realm is key if we want to follow after the spirit and not fulfill the lusts of the flesh. Hebrews 1:14 “Are they not all (the holy angels) ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?” Angels inhabit the fourth dimension, or what we call the spiritual realm, they are eternal creatures made of and sustained by the creating energy and do not have physical bodies. They can project themselves into our three-dimensional physical realm into whatever image they think is appropriate for their ministry on behalf of the saints, or remain invisible for that matter, but always working on and for the protection of the saints. Knowledge of this type of interactions, like that of knowing that we are never really alone when facing the creatures of darkness that are ever opposing us, can help our faith to be strengthen during a spiritual battle. In the same manner, the demonic forces that we wrestle against in our physical realm, are not physical, they are unclean spirits that operate out of the invisible realm of darkness. The spiritual realm is divided into two camps, the third heaven or paradise which Jesus refers to in the Lord’s prayer: Thy kingdom come Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, this heaven is also called the Kingdom of Light, and is where two thirds of the angels reside, all these are the holy angels. The other part of the spiritual realm is called the kingdom of darkness or the underworld, the second heaven out of which the demons operate, where one third of the fallen angels reside. Both of these kingdoms are invisible to us yet we interact with them in our daily walk in a regular basis. Hebrews 13:2 “Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels.” So that these types of interactions are real and can be beneficial to us if we understand how they are continuously working on our behalf to aid us. Also our understanding of these interactions can be helpful in protecting us from the unwanted intrusions that originate from the underworld and the creatures of darkness that are always coming against us. Hebrews 13:6 “So we may boldly say: ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me (since God has angels working on our behalf)?’” Here is revelation, if the creatures of the spiritual realm, the fourth dimension, have the abilities to interact with and or interfere with our three-dimensional time/space, can we then, the creatures that dwell in the physical three-dimensional realm cross over and interact with the spiritual realm which is in the fourth dimension and do that to our advantage? Luke 10:17-21 “Then the seventy returned with joy, saying, ‘Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name.’ And He said to them, ‘I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits (the invisible energy creatures) are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in (the third) heaven.’” Jesus gives to us a tremendous insight into what the power of His name here on earth really entails. He tells them, do not just rejoice in the fact that in mine name the invisible creatures of the fourth dimension are subject to you, but rejoice in the fact that your names are written in heaven. What I believe that means is that not only are the creatures of the fourth dimension subject to us in His name, but that the creation itself falls under our jurisdiction as well, for it is from the third heaven that the creation itself is ruled from, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven! Romans 8:19, 21 “For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God...because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.” The creation is not just waiting for us to show up, but it says that it is eagerly waiting for us to be liberated from our bondage to a false reality that hold us captive to the natural world. What is it that keeps our understanding in chains? Hosea 3:6 & 6:6 “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge...For I desire mercy and not sacrifice, and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings.” There’s a couple of insights into the passages we just quoted from Hosea; First, a burnt offering sacrifice is the act of converting something that is real physical matter, back into its original invisible state, by releasing the particles that form a physical body, the sacrifice, from the force that holds that body together as a visible unit, through the agency of fire. In other words, taking something that though visible is comprised of invisible particles and releasing those invisible particles back into the invisible realm as an act of worship. Which brings us to the second point, the knowledge of God that is gained by understanding what a burnt offering really meant to begin with. So that in all of this, it was always our understanding of the mechanics of how the physical and spiritual realms interact that God was after: I desire mercy and not sacrifice...knowledge of God more than burnt offerings. 1 Corinthians 1:30 “But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom (revealed knowledge by His sacrificial act on the cross) from God—and righteousness and sanctification and redemption.” Here is what I believe all these things mean; The creation began when God spoke and said: Let there be light (energy), and then He proceeded to complete the creation with all of the energy that He first released out of His mouth, so that everything that exists now, both visible and invisible, were made and are sustained by the Word that came out of God’s mouth. John 1:1-3 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He (the Word) was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him (the Word), and without Him nothing was made that was made.” Not only did God make everything by the breath of His mouth, but as we read earlier, He also sustains everything as well by the breath of His mouth. Acts 17:28 “For in Him we live and move and have our being.” John 1:14 “And the Word became flesh…” Energy became matter! And they named Him, the energy that became matter, Jesus. All the invisible particles that are made of energy, whether joined together to form some physical visible body, or loosed in their invisible form somewhere in the universe, all have to answer to the name of Jesus, no matter whatever state they are in. For Jesus is the force that created them, that sustains them, and that governs them. Philippians 2:9-10 “Therefore God also has highly exalted Him (the Word that became flesh) and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven (invisible four-dimensional spiritual realm, third heaven), and of those on the earth (the physical three-dimensional visible realm), and of those under the earth (the second heaven four-dimensional spiritual underworld, the realm of darkness).” So that from a scientific point of view, those of us whose names have been written in heaven, have been invested with authority in the name of Jesus, to rule over the invisible realm of particles that make up everything in the universe, both the physical and invisible. And not only are we expected to exercise that authority, but the crea tion itself eagerly waits for us to exercise such authority. Mark 11:23 “For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not d oubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.” Notice how Jesus tells us where the power resides, whoever says, the power resides in the words that we speak. If it is a mountain of dirt and rocks that we are speaking to, that dirt and those rocks are made of invisible energy particles that respond to the Word of God, the energy that causes some particles to hold together and others to repel each other, those energy particles can make such a mountain disappear in a second by just disbanding. You see, as those particles start to repel one another at the command of God’s Word, such mountain can disappear in an instant into thin air. Now you see it and now you don’t, just like that. But in our natural mind, which is confined to our present reality, when we first read about that huge mountain disappearing, immediately our mind turns to, how many buckets does it take to carry all that dirt out and where in the world are we going to put it? Let’s talk about another type of mountain, let’s say, a cancerous tumor that threatens the life of a loved one; what is that cancer made out of? Invisible particles that bond together and are continuously growing. In the natural if we cut that cancer out, chances are that it may spread to other parts of the body, also if it is growing in an organ that is vital to life, will such removal cause more damage than help? What if by a simple word of faith that understands not only how things are made and function, but that as believers we have such authority in the name of Jesus to cause such tumor to disappear without spreading or damaging anything to which is connected within that body, in an instant. Many years ago, there was a man here in California who was originally from my home town in Cuba, he was older than me and a friend of my eight years older brother, that was my only knowledge of him. Through my brother I found out that he was dying of a cancerous tumor in his stomach. Every time my brother spoke about him and his trials the Holy Spirit convicted me to go and pray for this man, I was young in my faith and resisted by saying to myself, probably this man does not even remember me or know who I am, for I was a kid the last time he saw me. One morning my brother told me that after years of struggling with that cancer, his friend was about to die and that they gave him his last rites that night in the hospital and he was not expected to make it through that morning. I rushed to the hospital thinking that if I didn’t the Holy Spirit would be grieved by my disobedience and that maybe this man would not make it to heaven. When I got there, it was a horrible scene, he could not eat so he was less than eighty pounds, they had earlier opened his stomach in surgery, but the tumor was too big and because of where it was could not be removed. He had tried to get out of the bed and had fallen to the floor and was put back into his bed before I got there, and there was some kind of fluid on the floor by his bed just as I walked in and stepped in it. I remember speaking to God in my mind and saying: Lord I think you got the wrong man, I am just not cut out for this type of ministry. The man woke up and looked at me startled, I told him that I was Carlos’ brother and had come to see him. I saw shame in his eyes and I don’t know why. He did not seem to want to talk to me or look at me anymore, desperate to fulfill whatever mission God had sent me there for I asked him if he had a Bible as I looked at a funeral brochure that his wife had left by his bed, how I connected the Bible with a funeral pamphlet I’ll never know, but when I mentioned the word Bible his eyes lit up and he told me, almost in a cheerful mode how he would love to have a Bible in the Spanish language. I ran out as fast as I could to the church I attended miles away, where I knew my pastor kept Spanish language Bibles to pass out. When I got back to his hospital room he was not there anymore, they had moved him to another facility to die there, I met his wife in the hallway who told me many of the things that I just shared with you about his condition, but she remarked how elated he was that I had gone there to take him a Bible and how he insisted that she stay back and wait for the Bible that I promised him. That night was Friday night when we normally had a home Bible study, which I could not teach for I felt like such a failure. I told those who showed up for the study how I had failed and broke into tears. They were nice to me and understood, we had fellowship and they left. Just then, my nephew who had taken his dad, my brother, to see if he could see his friend one more time before he died called me and said: What did you do to that man? He could not stop talking about you showing up and taking him a Bible and what a difference that had made in his life, it was like somebody else showed up there and ministered to this man and I know it wasn’t me, but I was somehow getting the credit for it. He told the nurses that he was hungry and wanted to eat. I think that eventually they started to feed him again and that weekend he accepted the Lord as his savior watching a Jimmy Swagger service that was translated into the Spanish language. One week later I went to see him again before they released him from the hospital. He told me that they could not find the cancer and that it was gone. So, they were sending him home and he was thanking me for the Bible that brought such a change in his life. I prayed and asked the Lord what had really happened that day, for this man’s recollection of what happened and mine were totally different. The Lord in a stern tone said to me; the results are never left up to you, and by that He meant men, the only thing left to you men to do is for you to obey Me when I call you and to show up. And knowing that I was, as a teacher of His Word, interested in what mechanism He had used to heal that man, He told me, when you mentioned the word Bible, the spirit of that man understood it as My Word and what My Word desired to do on behalf of that man. You went just along for the ride so that I could teach you not to trust in the reality that you see, but in the reality of My Word. Romans 10:17 “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” As we proceed into the last days of this age, reality, or should I say, our perception of it, is going to get more and more difficult to comprehend with our natural abilities. That is because our world has been programmed by this end time deception to tune into the world of the supernatural that is driven by the rulers of darkness as we get closer to the end of this age. We as believers have to depend totally, so that we can spiritually discern what’s happening, on the fidelity of the Word of God and our understanding of what it teaches us in regards to what is really real and what is not. We need to remember that the world with all its lusts is passing away, while the promises of God remain forever. What are you clinging to? I will ask one more time: What is real? God so loved the world that He sent Jesus to save us; that is real! Jesus died to forgive and to cleanse us from all our sins; that is real! Jesus is coming back to judge both the living and the dead; that is real! The trials and tribulations that we are facing are temporary; that is real! The blessings of God for enduring trials faithfully are eternal; that is real! If you do not know Jesus as your Lord and Savior you can receive Him right now, just as you are, for they that call upon the name of the Lord will be saved; Now it does not get any more real than that, does it? Thank you Jesus for allowing me the privilege to proclaim Your Word! Back to Deliverance Ministry


    Top of Page THE DELIVERANCE MINISTRY DOCTRINES OF MEN Colossians 2:21-23 “Do not touch, do not taste, do not handle, which all concern things which perish with the using—according to the commandments and doctrines of men? These things indeed have an appearance of wisdom in self-imposed religion, false humility, and neglect of the body, but are of no value against the indulgence of the flesh” The goal of faith in us believers, is to rid our souls of those things that keep us from walking in the freedom of the Spirit of God that dwells in us who are saved, now remember that the word for salvation can also be translated deliverance in the New Testament. ​ 1 Peter 1:9 “Receiving the end (goal) of your faith—the salvation of (deliverance = to get rid of the things that hinder) your souls.” ​ One of the most powerful tools that the enemy uses to keep humans in bondage is religious traditions that emanate from men made doctrines. 2 Corinthians 3:17 “Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” So that many believers wrongly think that by abiding in religious traditions that stifle the soul and kept it from walking in God’s freedom, that they are doing the will of God, because that is what they have been taught by the doctrines of men. But this is what our Lord says: Galatians 5:1 “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” NIV Think back to when we first got saved and how many times our actions were governed by rules that in many cases had nothing to do with biblical principles, but that we somehow thought that by following those rules, that we were doing the right thing in God’s eyes, only to find out later that many of those rules were not even based on the Bible, while others were a clear misrepresentation of true Christian doctrine. As our opening text revealed to us they all had to do with, Do not touch, do not taste, do not handle. In our struggle with doing the right thing, we must honestly ask ourselves this question: What is the right thing that we are to do? May I be bold enough and tell you what the right thing to do is: If we want to be right, we should always do the spiritual thing! Colossians 3:1 “If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God.” If you look at the Scriptures that deals with the freedom that we enjoy in the grace of God, you will find warnings attached to many of them, compelling us not to abuse our freedom in Christ for selfish desires. 1 Peter 2:16 “As free, yet not using liberty as a cloak for vice (wickedness), but as bondservants of God.” If we do the spiritual thing, defined as seeking those things which are above, then our own self-interests will not be involved, for then our actions will be governed by the desires of Christ who sits at the right hand of God, and the motives behind our actions will always be pure. And we need to keep in mind that doing the spiritual thing will always be in conflict with men made doctrines. Why is that? 1 Timothy 4:1 “Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons.” Men made doctrines are the doctrines of demons, for they all cater to men’s own selfish desires, and not the desires of Christ for men. Christ’s desire for men is that we walk in the liberty of His Spirit, free from guilt, shame, and condemnation. Demonic doctrines have as their goal to keep men under the bondage of sin, bound by the chains of fear, and under the heavy load of guilt, shame, and condemnation. How do these men made doctrines affect the churches of today of which we are a part of? Colossians 2:1 “For I want you to know what a great conflict (struggle) I have for you and those in Laodicea, and for as many as have not seen my face in the flesh.” Why did Paul struggle so much with the faith of the Colossian and Laodicea churches? I believe that he feared that their men made traditions would keep them from realizing their full potential in Christ Jesus. Colossians 2:2 “That their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, and attaining to all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the knowledge of the mystery of God, both of the Father and of Christ.” What kind of men made doctrines were there among them that caused the apostle Paul so much consternation? Revelation 3:14-16 “And to the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write, ‘These things says the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God: I know your works, that your are neither cold not hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth.’” Many years after Paul died we see his fears confirmed in the Lord’s rebuke against the Laodicea church of John’s day, which tragically is the same condition that afflicts many of the churches of today, many of these churches will be left behind when the rapture takes place. Why did the Lord vomit them out? Revelation 3:17 “Because you say, ‘I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing’—and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked.” The goal of men made doctrines is to remove men’s need of God and to replace it with the religious traditions that satisfies men’s selfish needs. The Laodicea church was so deceived that they came to the point where they believed that they had no need of God, for they believed that they had their own religious traditions to prop them up. It cannot get any more demonic than that, for it was Lucifer himself who said in his heart that he would exalt his throne above the stars of God, and that he would be like the Most High, and then he was promptly cast down to Sheol, to the lowest depths of the pit. Isaiah 14:12-15 But the greatest damage that men made doctrines perpetrate against the churches, besides blinding them to their true spiritual condition, is that it keeps them from receiving the revelation of God’s many hidden treasures of wisdom and knowledge. That is why so many believers today have problems understanding the Word of God when they read it. Colossians 2:3 “(Both of the Father and of Christ) In whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” Since the doctrines of men are the doctrines of demons, and since the desire of demons is to be worshiped through the idols that they represent, then, those who follow men made doctrines practice idolatry, that is they become one with the idols that they worship, or pay homage to at their appointed feasts. Psalm 135:15-18 “The idols of the nations are silver and gold, the work of men’s hands. They have mouths, but they do not speak; eyes they have, but they do not see; they have ears, but they do not hear; nor is there any breath in their mouths. Those who make them are like them; so is everyone who trust in them.” How can Christians do the spiritual thing if their spiritual eyes cannot see and their spiritual ears cannot hear? In His rebuke to the Laodicea church, Jesus told them that they were blind and then counseled them to buy from Him gold refined in the fire. It is clear that the sin of the Laodicea church is the sin of idolatry, and it is what causes them to become poor, blind and naked like the very idols that they worshiped. Since the Laodicea church is prophesied to be present at the end of the church age along with the faithful Philadelphia church, and since we know that we are living in the last days of the church age, then it begs the question: Which church are we a part of? Is it possible for a believer to be a part of the Laodicea church and not know it? Colossians 2:8 “Beware lest anyone cheat (plunder you or take you captive) you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ.” When Paul speaks about, according to the tradition of men, he is not referring to the traditions of unbelievers outside of the church, but to the traditions that have been introduced into the church, in many instances by so called believers masquerading as teachers of the truth, when in reality they were introducing the very basic principles of the world’s paganism into the church of Jesus Christ, unbeknown to many. And by doing so corrupting many within the church with the idolatry that brings about the spiritual blindness that is so prevalent among the churches of today. And that is what Paul was so fervently fighting against when he wrote to the Colossian church this epistle. 2 Corinthians 13:5 “Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you are disqualified (do not stand the test).” The greatest protection that we have against deception is that the Spirit of the Living God dwells within us, and it is the Holy Spirit who testifies about Jesus in us, the real Jesus, so let us not resist the Holy Spirit’s prompting when He warns us about so called Christian traditions that have no foundation whatsoever in the Word of God. For if you resolve in your heart that you are going to stay true to His Word, no matter how much resistance comes your way from the worldly bunch that seeks harmony with this world. Then the Lord will begin to open your spiritual eyes, and make your ears attentive to His Word, so that the treasures of His great wisdom and knowledge, which He has made available for you, will become more real to you than anything that you have ever known. Colossians 1:27 “To them (you) God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.” Back to the Deliverance Ministry

  • SPANISH PRAYER AGAINST THE SP... | HoFM House of Faith Ministries

    Top of Page Top of Page EMPODERAMIENTO DE LAS ORACIONES Oración contra el espíritu del miedo estos tiempos difíciles. Sé que la verdadera paz no depende de la abundancia de las cosas o de la falta de ellas; la verdadera paz viene directamente de Ti, el Príncipe de paz. No hay nada que pueda eliminar el tormento del miedo paralizante, excepto la preciosa sangre de Jesús esparcida sobre mi conciencia. Líbrame Oh Señor del miedo sobre el que no tengo control, el miedo que me abruma el corazón. Visite mi espíritu ruego con la manifestación de Su amor eterno por mí, toque mi corazón querido Señor en este momento durante mi hora de necesidad. Revela Tu gracia a mi alma de nuevo cada mañana y deja que el aliento del Espíritu Santo despeje las nubes oscuras que flotan sobre mi mente. Unge mi cabeza con aceite fresco que me marca para el favor tanto de Dios como del hombre. También despeje mis ojos para ver las maravillas de todos Sus pensamientos y promesas muy valiosas para mí. Amén DI ESTO EN VOZ ALTA: Precioso Padre celestial en el nombre de Jesús, humildemente vengo delante de Ti para rogar tu paz en Volver a oraciones empoderadoras

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