Written by Pastor Marcos Marrero July 27, 1997
Published to HoFM website for the first time on 1.10.2025
In the early hours of the morning of that day, we knew that something awesome was about to happen. It was one of those things that cannot be explained yet, you know it is real. In a way it did not seem any different than any other morning if you just concentrated on the elements rather than the happenings around you, for this definitely was not like any other morning; this was the last morning on

earth for millions of people around the world. By the time that the next evening would come, life would never be the same for the billions left behind. You see this was the dawn of the end times. At long last, after many words had been written on the subject and an endless parade of predictions, it was here, it had arrived, and it was real.
The evening before had started with great apprehension, as people beheld in utter disbelief the news that a great vast army led by Russian troops and a formidable coalition of forces from three continents had been totally wiped out as with the stroke of a pen in an instant and their bodies litter the Israeli countryside.
The bright flash of light that had consumed them could not be explained in any other terms than divine intervention. The world leaders and politicians at large were dumbfounded with a lack of an explanation, which was the norm for those in charge of reporting the news. There was no doubt in all quarters that the returned of Jesus Christ was now eminent and that the time of judgment was now here, and there was no way of escaping it. For those of us who had been waiting for this blessed event since the day of our conversion it seem to come upon us with mixed feelings, for in the chill of the early morning hours and as we realized that the hour of our redemption was almost upon us, we would soon be meeting face to face the one who had paid the full price of our redemption. We also realized that the majority of the people of the earth had been deceived and had rejected the creators’ offer of peace, and now only the awful expectation of judgment was all that was left for the peoples of the world. They tremble before the mighty signs but yet lacked the faith to repent and call upon the name that would save them, the name of Jesus.
Panic has broken out in many places and mobs of people everywhere had gone into a rampage destroying, looting, burning and killing all who would get in their way; since this is the end they reasoned, they did not have to be accountable to any authorities here on earth, and utter rebellion to all forms of authority was their final act of defiance before God. For the people of the way this were apprehensive hours to say the least, for the undercurrent theme throughout the multitudes was that we were the ones to blame for the current occurrences, and vengeance against them seems to be the purest form of retribution.
We had all come from different areas of the city, like drawn by an invisible force. We could tell just by looking at each other’s faces what we had in common in the middle of chaos, there was this peace and assurance, and a very reverent holy fear gripped us all. There wasn’t much talking among us, just a great deal of silent praying as we all had in our minds someone who we were not sure if they would have the strength to call on the name of Jesus amid their confusion.
As I huddled with my family I glanced at the starry night and memories of days gone by flooded my mind. Life then just seemed so brief; It seemed like just yesterday I was a little boy, up in the early morning fishing with my dad. Feeling the early morning chill as I crawled towards the back of the boat to keep warm, enduring those hardships in the hope that the day would bring lots of fish and a great time with my dad. Hoping that I will catch that big one so that I will have something great to brag about to my friends. The glow of the fires illuminating the distant horizon brought me back to the reality of the moment. It was so real.
How many times in our walk we felt like just giving up, without realizing how much was really at stake. And now there was no doubt as to what hangs on the balance of faith, for to deny Christ at this point in time is the greatest of all mistakes and one that would be regretted for eternity. How can something that seems so simple as exercising one’s faith be so hard? But there they were, multitudes in the valley of decision; since they had given themselves to believe the assurances of the world, that there is no God and that we humans had evolved, how can all of the sudden one give oneself to change one’s mind and belief? Just because of a few great signs, there must be a logical explanation for all these happenings. The greatest fear of all humanity at this point in time was that nobody had risen [yet] to the task of assuring the peoples of the world otherwise.
In the other hand, for the people of the way all those years of reading and studying the bible trying to make sense of it all had paid off. All the events that were happening had such clarity to them, all those hidden things now made perfect sense.
The breeze had changed direction as dawn approached and one could smell the burnt ashes of what used to be the hopes and dreams of mankind. The darkest hour of the night was nearly over and if one looked intensely towards the eastern skies, one could see the dawning of eternity for those whose hearts were filled with hope. But only the deepest of darkness remained for those who placed their hopes on the abilities of man, what they had trusted upon had betrayed them. If only there was another lie that they could believe, another reprieve to postpone the inevitable.
We all as one got on our feet and began to gaze intensely towards the dawn. It was like an unheard voice was calling to each of us, “ARISE MY CHILDREN, YOUR HARD SERVICE HAS BEEN RENDERED.” It was finally over! As we stood there in the flesh, with the early morning breeze refreshing our souls for the last time in this body here on earth we knew that the trumpet was about to sound, and there was no going back. Oh, what a feeling! This would be the last time here on earth for us, in this body of sin. As I began to ponder as to how the transfer would take place, I saw HIM. He was dressed in a long white robe and was moving towards me rapidly. He was walking in the air at a very fast pace and yet He was moving at the same time, and it seemed at the speed of light. As he very rapidly approached me, I could see his face, and my eyes locked into his blazing eye. I could feel myself dying, for every fiber in my body trembled at his holy presence. My heart pounded loudly and out of control. I was so scared I could not keep from shaking, but as my flesh panted for air that it could not find, I found that from deep within me a new man was rising, and in a deep and clear voice it shouted “HALLELUJAH, HE KEPT HIS PROMISE”. As the struggle between the two was ending I felt a violent collision. JESUS had grabbed me right at the middle of the heart without slowing down and I suddenly moved at the speed of light through the air. I could feel my new body forming out of the old. My tongue which was plastered to the roof of my mouth because of the great speed at which we were traveling, could feel the missing teeth growing and my spirit could not stop shouting “HALLELUJAH, HE KEPT HIS PROMISE”.