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Our Father who are in heaven, creator of heaven and earth, God the judge of all; in the name of Jesus Your only Son I enter into Your heavenly court and publicly repent of all of my sins, and I ask for Your forgiveness in the Name of Jesus. Apply dear Lord I pray, the atoning blood of Jesus over all the sins in my life and the sins in my ancestor’s life that resulted in a curse. I repent of all

of our disobediences and rebellions committed against Your Word and I ask for Your forgiveness in the name of Jesus. Apply dear Lord I pray, the atoning blood of Jesus over all the sins in my life and the sins in my ancestor’s life that resulted in a curse.
I repent of all of our disobediences and rebellions committed against Your Word.
I now repent from and I renounce all the sins in my life and my ancestor’s life such as the sins of perversion, lust, cheating, lying, adultery, fornication, mistreatment of others, uncleanness, filthiness, wantonness, lewdness, and every perverted thing that was connected to our fallen nature.
I now repent from and I renounce all the sins in my life and my ancestor’s life such as the sins of false religion, cults, reading of horoscopes, idolatry, witchcraft, divination, all occult involvements, seditions, heresies, sorcery, dissentions, and every demonic thing that was connected to our fallen nature.
I now repent from and I renounce all the sins in my life and my ancestor’s life such as the sins of indecision, compromise, hatred, contentions, envy, gossip, murder, hostility towards others, hostilities towards my self, ill will towards others, ill will towards my self, and every divisive thing that was connected to our fallen nature.
I now repent from and I renounce all the sins in my life and my ancestor’s life such as the sins of malfunction, failures, laziness, lack of responsibility, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, drunkenness, intoxication, addictions, dependencies, and every compromising thing that was connected to our fallen nature.
According to 1 John 1:9 “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
Now that I’ve confessed all my sins, I ask for Your forgiveness and cleansing from all my unrighteousness and the unrighteousness passed to me through the iniquity of all my ancestor’s. Deliver me Lord and cleanse me by the power of the blood of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
I now take authority over the devil’s accusations against me. In accordance with the Word of God, I break and condemn any and every curse upon my life in the name of Jesus. I break all curses of poverty, lack, debt, destruction, sickness, death and vagabond. I break all curses on my marriage, family, children, and relationships. I break curses of rejection, pride, rebellion, lust, hurt, incest, rape, Ahab, Jezebel, fear, insanity, madness, and confusion.
In the Name that is above every name, the Name of Jesus, I now break all curses affecting my finances, my mind, my sexual character, my emotions, my will, my intellect, and all my relationships.
In the Name of Jesus I now break every hex, jinx, spell, and spoken curse over my life and my family’s life. I break every fetter, shackle, chain, cord, habit, and cycle that is the result of a curse.
According to Galatians 3:13 I have been redeemed from the curse of the law by the sacrifice that Jesus offered on my behalf.
Father in heaven I now exercise my faith in the blood that Jesus offered for my redemption, and I loose myself and my descendants from any and every curse. I claim forgiveness through the blood that Jesus offered for my sins and the sins of my fathers.
All of my sins have been forgiven, so I now renounce all the works of Satan and their effect over my life, and my family’s lives, and I loose myself from every curse that came as a result of our disobedience and rebellion to the Word of God.
I exercise my faith now in the Word of God: Romans 10:9-10, and I make confession with my mouth of the salvation, deliverance, healing and restoration that I believe in my heart is now mine, because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.
Therefore I confess that Abraham’s blessings are mine.
I confess that I am blessed and not curse.
I confess that I am the head and not the tail.
I confess that I am above and not beneath.
I confess that I am blessed coming in and going out.
I confess that I am blessed by God, and what God has blessed cannot be cursed.
In the Name of Jesus and by the power of His shed blood, I now command spirits of Rejection, Hurt, Bitterness, Unforgiveness, Bondage, Torment, Death, Destruction, Suicide, Fear, Lust, Perversion, Mind Control, Witchcraft, Poverty, Lack, Debt, Confusion, Double-mindedness, Sickness, Infirmity, Pain, Divorce, Separation, Strife, Contention, Depression, Sadness, Loneliness, Self-Pity, Self-Destruction, Self-Rejection, Anger, Rage, Wrath, Anguish, Vagabond, Abuse, Addiction, Insanity and the rest to COME OUT NOW in the Name of Jesus my Deliverer, and be forever gone, because all of your rights to torment me and my family have now been removed.
Dear Father in Heaven, in the Name of Jesus Your only begotten Son, I now thank you for setting me and making me free from every curse and from every unclean spirit that had operated in my life as a result of curses. Thank You Jesus!
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